Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ben's Blunt (asked and un-asked) Questions

I) BLUNT QUESTIONS (a close version of the following questions was sent to each of the participants prior to the roundtable)

1) Who Gets It and Who Wants It?
Who gets What design, and does the Who necessarily want the What?

2) Urban/Rural Dichotomies
The Favela Syndrome: designing outside the system: hacking state organized urbanism & consumer culture: how do the two systems of design coexist?

3) The 6th Sense
How do we explore, calibrate, expose, and design for qualities that are traditionally invisible and intangible , such as body/mind energies and the pineal-eye?

4) Design Doctrine
‘Humans were given the mandate to use the world as they see fit’: has this theologically driven pitch run its course?

5) Contradiction
Designing a solution for all aspects feeds contradiction, for it can deny and embrace simultaneously. What happens to design at points of contradiction, uncertainty and global tensions? How is the symbiosis between warfare & peacefare (to simultaneously build and destroy) different from nature’s cyclical symbiosis?

6) Positivist Materialism
What gets left out when engaging positivistic design? Is constant change the only way that a designer can operate? What does hyper-mutating design do with the jingle Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or Do without! ?

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